Tesla Model 3 Maiden Voyage – Stars Comets and Galaxies at Flathead Lake – Flathead Lake MT

I hurriedly pulled into Finley Point State Park on Flathead Lake in Montana. I was almost at Glacier but I needed to make this stop first. The Comet Neowise was going to be visible around sunset and I couldn’t think of a better place to get a shot of it before it disappeared for the next 6800 years. I was immediately turned away though. The park was closed to anyone not camping after 9pm.

“You’re just trying to take pictures of the stars though?” the gentleman asked. “You should be able to pull off at any of the pullouts over the next 20 miles and get a good view, and it wont cost you any money.”

I thanked him and went on my way. Locals are always trying to help around here. I really enjoyed that about Montana.

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