Tesla Model 3 Maiden Voyage – Cherry Point Farm and Market – Shelby MI

My entire life, I have had a mild fascination with mazes. Along with puzzles, they offered a quick challenge for my mind to overcome. Proving to myself that I can quickly analyze something, and figure it out has always lead to a brief, yet overwhelming feeling of satisfaction. This has lead to an ever returning desire to find a life sized labyrinth to get get lost in. Can I figure out the maze when I am inside it? So when I found out that there was a labyrinth made out of lavender hidden on the outskirts of Lake Michigan, so large that it can be seen from orbit, I jumped at the opportunity to go. Unfortunately, as I got closer to the location and the week the flowers bloomed, I discovered that the labyrinth had been killed by the previous winters “polar vortex” and had to be entirely replanted. Feeling distraught, I almost didn’t go, assuming that the place wouldn’t be worth it. Boy was I wrong.

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